Sunday, 1 April 2012

Welcome to blogland! Each week you will have a topic to write about on your blog. You also have to comment on your teacher's blog and on at least 3 classmates' blogs.

Today you have 2 tasks to carry out:

- create your English blog and link all your classmates

- write a 50 word introduction post for your blog


  1. mr. when we drink one beer in the pircas?.
    and finish the homework !

  2. the owl is beautiful and is a symbol of my favourite football team "universidad de chile" althought it's known as "chuncho"

  3. jajaja Good idea Raul,you always thinking about beer... you never disappoints me ;)

  4. Hi, this work is unknown for me, but is funny because I can known more about of the internet...

  5. hi simon, nice blog!! see you tomorrow
