Monday, 9 July 2012

Expressions for the Oral Exam

Here are some oral expressions that may be useful:
Stating an opinion
•In my opinion...
•The way I see it...
•If you want my honest opinion....
•According to ...
•As far as I'm concerned...
•If you ask me...

Asking for an opinon
•What's your idea?
•What are your thoughts on all of this?
•How do you feel about that?
•Do you have anything to say about this?
•What do you think?
•Do you agree?

Expressing agreement
•I agree with you 100 percent.
•I couldn't agree with you more.
•That's so true.
•You're absolutely right.
•That's exactly how I feel.
•I'm afraid I agree with James.
•You have a point there.

Expressing disagreement
•I don't think so.
•I'm afraid I disagree.
•I totally disagree.
•I'd say the exact opposite.
•Not necessarily.
•That's not always true.
•No, I'm not so sure about that.

•Can I add something here?
•Is it okay if I butt in ...
•If I might add something...
•Sorry to interrupt, but...

(Adapted from:

1 comment:

  1. thanks simon, this is very useful for my!! :)
